
Schooled : )

Sorry I don't have a picture, but at least I can review the book. Schooled was a brilliantly written book written by a respected author. At least im my opinion. Ha ha. Written by Gordan Korman, this book shows what it means to be truly strong.

Capricorn is a boy who, after being in a commune for all his life, has to go to a real school after his grandmother, Rain, falls out of a tree and breaks her hip. It is at the school that Cap realizes that he has missed out on a lot. Like tv, lockers, P.A. systems, and even money. Life as a "hippie" was hard. But as Cap goes through 8th grade, he begins to understand it all. He then gets in trouble for doing something with the school's dance budget. But you'll have to read the book to find out how.

And so we go.....

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